Yojaira's Senior Lake Session {Alta Lake}

I don’t know if I just feel this way every fall or if it really is just more brilliantly colorful this year, but regardless I’m absolutely loving how much color I have found in my area!  Everywhere I look there are the brightest most amazing scenes and the fact that I get to take advantage of those colors makes me really happy!  I’m just soaking it all up now so that I can remember this during the drab days of winter when it’s so monotone.

When I think of my time with Yojaira one of the words that I would use to describe the time with her was, peaceful, she was so laid back and calm, the entire time. I think the pictures we did in this setting capture that essence perfectly.  She is loving her time in her last high school season of volleyball and the part she is the most excited for this year is graduation (which tends to be the trend with my seniors this year! :))  

This time of year just happens to be really busy for my entire family with Kyle coaching in the evenings and weekends so more often than not I end up toting my little ones along for the ride and usually they are very content with that arrangement since it means they get to explore while I work.  For this session Yojaira brought along two of her best friends and my kids thought that just meant she brought along playmates ;) so we were all happy with that arrangement!  I loved my time with the most beautiful Yojaira and couldn’t have asked for a more perfect evening!

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