Brown Family Session {Brewster}

I spend a lot of time photographing people and every once in awhile everything just lines up for the perfect session.  Although I love every time I’m behind the camera, I can’t always plan for things like the weather, lighting and time of year, or even a baby’s willingness to look at me or enjoy the session.  But for this night, everything aligned and all I needed to focus on was clicking the button which was so much fun!  I’m sure I’m sharing way too many of these but it was such a fantastic night and I just had a hard time picking favorites to share!

Sarah is one of the most creatively talented people I’ve ever met and I love just being in her house to see if I can learn from her magical ways of taking ordinary things and turning them into something that is both welcoming and beautiful.  Seriously, I think she needs her own show!  And Ross has been the one we turn to when the boys have something medically going on that I just can’t figure out, or as a new mom when I was overthinking things, he was usually my first call. He’s so calm and willing to listen, even if the concern is something minor.

Now that baby Fawkes has joined their family he is just the perfect blue eyed addition, especially with his serious model face.  He’s just the cutest little guy and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him upset!  Happy 6 months Fawkes! 

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