Ali & Ryan's Orchard Engagement Session {Brewster}

This story begins a long time ago when Ali Joy was in about 6th grade.  I met Ali when Kyle and I started dating and I don't know that she was too sure about me at first since Kyle was kind of like a big brother to her.  However, around 6th grade she came into our youth group and I was one of the middle school girl leaders so I started to get to know her pretty well.  Close to that time Kyle and I got engaged and the 6th grade girls were all about helping me plan my wedding and had to be in the know about every little detail.  Over the next couple years there would be so many conversations, good times and hard times that we got to walk through with Ali.  

When we decided to move to Brewster, Ali and her family were one of the hardest to say goodbye to.  But 2 1/2 hours never stopped Ali from visiting, one of the first road trips she went on by herself was following me to Brewster where I had strict instructions from her dad to not pass a single car.  Amazingly enough that was the only trip I've made from Spokane to Brewster where I didn't even get behind another car!  After that she came up when Kamden was tiny, then a little later for one of her spring breaks.  During that trip we made her hike Chelan Butte. (Which she still claims was the worst day of her life, haha!)  I'm so thankful that even with the distance she has stayed close to us and when she graduated I was even able to do her senior pictures.  You can see those here and here if you want to walk back down memory lane with me ;))

So now that you know some of this girl's story it's time to tell you about the next chapter. On Easter weekend we found out Ali had gotten engaged to Ryan and we were so excited for them.  I texted her and told her that he pretty much had the best timing in the world for engagement pictures if they were willing to make the drive, so once again Ali got in the car and came to Brewster, this time to introduce us to Ryan!  We got to hear all about their engagement story and love story, how she  had a crush on her next door neighbor for so many years and would tell everyone that she was going to marry him.  Only several years later when he first asked her out, she declined.  However, Ryan didn't give up and asked her out again, this time to get a "Yes." And now here they are, with Ali, actually marrying the boy next door!  Is that not the most adorable story?!

You can tell just by the huge smiles on their faces how happy they are right now and I can't wait to see how this next part of their lives will be like for them!

Congratulations Ali and Ryan and thank you for trusting me to capture this exciting time in your lives!!!

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