Becker Family Fall Scenic Family Session {Brewster}

For two years I got to hang out with the youngest member of this family every weekday and it's safe to say we got to know each other pretty well. And because he is similar in age to Kamden and they were together all the time they became such good little buddies which continues even though we don't hang out quite as much now.  

The Becker family has been through a lot this year trying to figure out some health issues and even though I'm sure it's been frustrating and even scary, they are always the sweetest, most positive family!  When Amy shared that she wanted me to document this part of their story even though doing pictures wouldn't quite be the same as other years, I was thrilled because that's exactly why I do what I do.  Years can be hard, and situations can happen that you may not want to document but my goal is always to show the victory even if it's in the middle of the struggle.  I know that one day these pictures will be a way they can share even more of their impact with the world and share how the hard things have impacted the strength of their family.

So my encouragement to the rest of you is this, don't wait.  Just because you may not be exactly the place you want to be, or maybe you're waiting because you want to reach a goal or a place where you feel like your kids don't have bumps or bruises or a million other things.  All of those things are part of your story and regardless of if you have me document that or someone else, just do it!  I know you won't regret it in 50 years!

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