Daniel & Stacie Engagement {Davenport, WA}

 Although the snow is typically cold and something I'm not a fan of, this day was a definite exception.  Being around these two, the word that comes to mind is, JOY.  In all of these pictures their love is evident and joy is overflowing! It was so fun I didn't even remember the cold! It seems like just the other day, this amazing farmhouse was the place we were talking about crushes in the 7th grade and here we are now with an even better reality! Congratulations to Stacie and Daniel!  I'm so excited to see where God takes your relationship!

1 comment

  1. You guys are too much, and I love you both. I am so elated on God's blessed union, and to see this journey become a reality. It is a blessed gift to all of us. God bless you.
