Kaitlyn Ingram Okanogan River Session {Brewster}

This river session is just the perfect bridge between summer and fall, a little bit of everything and with the neutrals that Kaitlyn chose she just seems to pop out of the setting in the most beautiful way.  I have actually known of Kaitlyn since we first moved to Brewster and that just shows you how long we've been here because she was in elementary school when I first met her mom!  From the very beginning everything was so easy and enjoyable, even if we did hike all over the place, and she never once complained. Most people probably don't get as excited as I do by pretty weeds but in reality those are my favorite places because of the wild adventure it just seems to add.  So, thanks for putting up with me Kaitlyn! I can't actually think of a session recently that hasn't at some time landed everyone in the weeds and they never disappoint!

Kaitlyn is planning to pursue education like her mom and that is just another reason why I loved my time with her, teaching and education are so important to my family and it's always great to know that there are going to be amazing new teachers coming up!

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