The Martin Family {Spokane}

This lovely family is near to my heart in so many ways. Rachel and I have been close friends since 4th grade and have remained that way through multiple military moves, first with her dad and now with her husband. These kids are definitely the cutest Alabama fans I've ever seen and were such great subjects! This first picture just happens to be one of my favorite pictures that I've ever taken. 

Lys & Taylor {Spokane}

These two!  I just love them. Although this was a mini-session, technically, supposed to be only one picture, we all know that's just not possible for my snap happy camera!  Once again, the fall weather makes any background magnificent.

Lauren & Zachary {Maternity}

Have I mentioned how much I like fall? It is quickly becoming my favorite season and sessions like this are largely the reason. Zachary and Lauren were so much fun to be around and you can tell they are beyond excited for their precious little boy to arrive! Lauren's eyes are some of the most beautiful that I have ever seen and if you look closely you can see why I think they're so amazing!